

Meeting the challenge of breaching “the great talent gap” requires new solutions for attracting 和 留住人才 in an employee-centric market.

An overwhelming 96% of executives say we are in an employee-centric labour market 和 70% of HR professionals are predicting higher than normal turnover this year.

我们目前正经历着一个巨大的人才缺口. The gap — between having the talent to operate optimally 和 the actual talent available — is what employers are trying to breach. 

根据美国.S. 劳工统计局, 在2022年3月的最后一个工作日, 该国的职位空缺数量为11个.500万年. 为了正确看待这个数字, 比利时是世界上GDP排名第24位的富裕国家,总人口约为11人.500万年.1 这一差距意味着大量人才的流失和经济活动的丧失. 

同一个月,只有6个.新增员工700万人,辞职人数小幅上升至400万人.500万,这些数字都在美国.S. 独自一人.2 世界各地, 工人辞职的人数创历史新高, 如此如此, 2022年2月,“大辞职”在维基上有了自己的词条.  

This tightness in the labour market has been exacerbated by a vast array of complex issues that have accelerated in the past two 和 half years. Although it’s underst和able that many people find changing jobs to be liberating during a period of limited freedom, 可用人才的减少还受到人口和经济因素的推动:

  • Many women (和 some men) have found increased caregiving 和 unpaid responsibilities to be too stressful to mix with employment at this time. 
    2020年印度的一项研究发现,在大流行封锁期间,所有人的国内关税都增加了, 但这一负担不成比例地由女性承担.3
  • Many immigrant workers were not able to find new opportunities in other countries due to closed borders or challenging political environments; 和 many skilled expats are still opting to move home to be closer to family. 
    举个明显的例子, 在2022年2月, 国际大都会香港的净流出人数为71人,000人.5
  • Others may feel confident enough to be less economically active because of gains in the global stock market or with cryptocurrency during 2021.
  • There is also a shortage of people with sufficient skills to move into new roles created by emerging technologies or the development of digital industries.
尽管许多组织的各个职位的人员流动率都在上升, 吸引和留住人才的挑战几乎是全球性的, 辞职人数最多的是每小时, 技术水平较低, 一线及基层员工. This is perhaps one of the clearest indications that fixed roles/jobs with the least flexibility are quickly becoming the least attractive. 


One of the most interesting trends of the last couple of years is the emergence of the “essential worker.“这是一个社会所依赖的人,他们会出现在一个实际的地方,完成一些事情, 无论如何.

这些重要的工人都有固定的角色, 而且他们通常处于薪酬范围的低端. 说得更清楚一点, 他们必须亲自出勤,应对不灵活的工作时间, 他们的工作通常是高度重复的.

低技能工作的性质并不新鲜. 但目前的人才市场与2019年的人才市场有着根本的不同. 附近的每家咖啡馆都在招聘咖啡师, 这种差异意味着低技能员工现在可以选择他们的工作地点, 它们是如何工作的(在某种程度上),它们做什么工作.

2022年1月, a major hospitality employer in Australia advertised for dishwashers at the hitherto-unimaginable wage-for-role of AU $120,000(约85美元),400美元,因为这是吸引利息所需的金额. 但更多的资金只能解决部分人才保留问题. 当人们选择离开不满意的职位时,有更好、更长久的解决办法.


哪位咖啡师对咖啡馆的贡献更有意义, 有更多有意义的日子,因此更有可能留下来?

咖啡师答: 从早上6点工作到下午2点, 制作咖啡, 茶, 热巧克力, 还有茶,不忙的时候在厨房里帮忙打零工.

咖啡师吗 从早上6点工作到下午2点,煮咖啡、茶、热巧克力和印度茶. 在饮料高峰时段之间:

  • 研究公平贸易供应商,新趋势和更可持续的外卖容器
  • 盘点存货并订购供应品
  • 与烘焙师讨论尝试新的咖啡混合物
  • 培训其他人如何制作不同的饮料.


低技能员工也是如此, the flight from employers for professionals is actually a flight away from work without purpose 和 meaning. It’s also a move away from work that doesn’t match the post-p和emic lifestyle which many people are now striving to maintain.

One of the unintended consequences of digital working is that it has emphatically reminded individuals — day after day — of exactly what their jobs entail. Working in lockdown stripped away everything outside work  that might have influenced employees’ perceptions of their roles. 在没有茶水间聊天的情况下,他们真正在做什么, 与同事共进午餐,参加头脑风暴会议? 接下来不可避免的问题是: 



Employers that successfully retain talent are the ones that can help their employees answer these questions well or, 如果不是, 找到鼓舞人心的解决方案. 


在大多数公司里, 工作设计 是经理们做的事情,但他们做得很糟糕吗. 管理者不应受到指责, 因为工作设计不在他们的专业范围内, 当他们考虑设计一个角色时, 他们的重点是交付效率, 不是留住人才. 另一个障碍是,管理者很少得到关于如何设计好工作的指导, especially compared to the immense amount of training they receive for things like performance management.  

But 工作设计 has the potential to be vastly more consequential than many other things in people management practice, ,目前, 这是一个巨大的, 错失了吸引和留住人才的机会.

  • 除了人才短缺, one crucial reason for organisations to focus on 工作设计 right now is the influence of technology on workflows. 
    随着人工智能变得越来越便宜, 更多的组织将把他们的事务性工作外包给它, 创造大量的机会来重新思考如何完成工作. 这是一个利用技术帮助我们重新设计工作的机会, 让它更有趣,更吸引人. 如果人工智能不是你数字化计划的一部分,那么它应该是.
  • 这一领域的第二个机会是采用更多循证管理. 
    好的工作设计的科学已经确立. 例如, 自治, 掌握, 反馈和角色清晰度是关键的参与杠杆, 和 building these into the way managers design jobs is something many organisations should strive to do. 
  • 另一个机会是员工的工作构思. 
    This is important because research has shown that people who craft their own roles are more engaged 和 productive 和 see more meaning in what they do. 所面临的挑战, 然后, 是双重的:第一, 帮助员工了解什么能让他们最投入, 第二个, 为他们提供工具,让他们在工作场所创造这种体验. 这就是员工授权的真正含义——给员工自由决定他们做什么.
Rotating people through different roles based on their skill sets rather than job titles is also highly beneficial for both the organisation 和 the individual. 员工在培养他人的同时,也感到自己的现有能力得到了认可, 组织也会从这些技能和学习的成果中受益.

对于组织来说,尽可能明确他们将要做什么是至关重要的, 当, 个人为什么以及如何为实现这一目标做出贡献. That individualised underst和ing is crucial for two reasons: because any certainty is stabilising in volatile times 和 also because employees who have a sense of a shared future with the organisation are generally the most highly engaged.  



  1. 了解你的员工经历

    如果你不理解他们不开心和/或辞职的原因,你很难留住人才. 离职面谈太迟了. 通过设计一种机制,当员工和你在一起时,真正倾听他们的声音, 你将处于更好的位置开始解决人员流失的原因. 

    Powerful insights can come from asking open-ended questions in online questionnaires 和 allowing employees to share their thoughts. Advanced qualitative methods like natural language processing should be used to develop rich descriptions of employee experiences.

  2. 金钱是伟大的(也不是那么伟大)

    钱很重要. 这是工作中最基本的外在动力. 不可否认,它在吸引人才方面的重要性, 所以像好市多和美国银行这样的公司正在提高他们支付的最低工资. 

    但金钱的力量并不是超级力量. 几乎每个雇主都有能力支付更多. 问题在于,你必须让你的薪酬策略与劳动力市场相匹配, 不幸的是, 付出更多并不意味着得到更多.

    确保你为合适的人才支付了合适的薪酬, 你需要从一个健壮的 员工奖励策略全面的市场数据.

  3. 管理员工压力,创建员工价值主张(EVP),解决未满足的需求

    从生育治疗到奖学金, 雇主们正在建立具有诱人福利的evp,以吸引和留住人才. 在构建evp时, 然而, 人们很容易感到追随潮流的压力, 但趋势可能不适用于你的特定员工群体. 从了解员工的需求开始是至关重要的.

    Employees continue to face multiple unpredictable reverberations from the p和emic 和 other major world events, resulting in a range of new or aggravated sources of stress impacting their mental 和 physical health. 工作不应该增加这种负面影响. 

    公司越了解员工的压力和关键的未满足需求, 他们就能更好地判断节目, rewards or experiences that would differentiate their EVPs or better communicate what current programmes exist to help alleviate those stressors. 

  4. 提高技能是留住人才的关键投资

    个人发展及 员工培训 处于新工作协议的中心. 你可以通过在你的组织中建立一个引人注目的职业生涯来留住人才. 

    即使在疫情爆发之前,78%的员工表示他们已准备好学习新技能. Ensuring people sustainability through future employability is now a critical part of the employment contract. Organisations can empower individual employees to upskill by building strategic training opportunities within a robust 职业框架它为员工提供了一条清晰透明的道路.



